ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH utvecklar och tillverkar innovativa högpresterande smörjmedel för fordons- och industrimarknaden med de högsta kraven. Det tidigare Mineralölwerk Lützkendorf grundades 1936 och blev snabbt en av de största nationella raffinaderier. Efter Tysklands återförening bytte företaget namn till ADDINOL. Idag sker utveckling och produktion i Leuna / Sachsen-Anhalt. Även om många saker har förändrats sedan starten 1936 är fortfarande ADDINOL:s värdering högsta kvalitet med maximal kundfokus och en stor flexibilitet.
ADDINOL Addilith EP 0 is a special grease based on mineral oil and Li-12-Hydrostearate as well as EP-additives.
Temperature range from -40 °C up to +120 °C, short term temperature peaks +180°C.
- Mainly used for lubrication of highly pressure loaded roller and sliding bearings
- Suitable for the lubrication of spur and bevel gears, worm and toothed gears and for small gears with low driving power
- Used in sealed roller and sliding bearings with a low bearing internal clearance and operating at high speeds
- Fit for garage door drives, leaf springs in rail vehicles, sliding bearings in telescopic axles
- Suitable as multi-purpose grease in trucks, construction vehicles, special purpose and agricultural vehicles
- Outstanding suitability in central lubrication systems
- Oxidation resistant
- High pressure absorption capacity
- Protects against corrosion
- Shear-stable
- Highly water resistant
- Good adhesion
- Slow ageing of the lubricant
- Applicable under extended pressure loads
- Long lifetime of the machine parts
- Does not build solid deposits
- Direct contact with process water possible
- Prevention of dripping caused by rotation and vibrations
According to DIN 51502:
According to ISO 6743:
Meets the requirements acc. to:
- MAN company standard 283 Li-P 0
- Central lubrication system of Groeneveld